Tag Archives: Egypt

Rudy’s On Her Way, Nancy Isn’t. We Need Your Help!

Long-time followers of our social media presence will know that we’ve been supporting a pair of Egyptian trans women over the last year. Rudy and Nancy are pseudonyms for a pair who have been on the run from both their families, and the police crackdown on LGBT people.  Last October we published some of their audio testimony.

Good News, And Bad News

We have some good news about them, but also some bad news. Last week we had arranged for them to fly out of Egypt to a third country, and while Rudy has made it, Nancy was turned back at the airport. This is one of the risks in our work, that somewhere a random member of staff at an airport won’t like the look of them, and won’t let them on the plane.

Right now we have Rudy safely in the third country, and Nancy still in Egypt. We have flight tickets for both of them in about ten days to reach their final destination, but if we can’t get Nancy to the third country she won’t be on that flight.

Now Nancy Needs Your Help

So this is where you come in. We’re mounting an appeal to get Nancy out of Egypt to the third country, for which we estimate we’ll need about 1200 Euros. If we don’t manage it we lose our existing investment in her flight to safety, she’s stuck in Egypt, and we’ll have to raise even more money for a fresh extraction in future.

So please help us if you can. It’s a fairly short time to raise quite a lot of money, but I know our supporters as a generous bunch who are concerned with getting endangered trans people to safety. Please help us ensure that two people rather than one reach safety in early March.

Header image: Jonathan Payne from Ayr, United Kingdom, CC BY-SA 2.0.

Getting A Passport in Egypt

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته،

بص، علشان نقدر نستخرج جواز سفر، فيه حالتين حضرتك هتبقي موجود فيها، هقول أول حاله و هي إن حضرتك ١٩ سنه أو أقل.

المستندات اللازمة:

أولهم صورة لبطاقه سارية لو فوق ال١٦ و الأصل معاها، ٣ صور ٤ في ٦ خلفية بيضه من غير نضارات، لو حضرتك متجوز ببقي وثيقة تثبت حالت حضرتك الاجتماعيه ده لو مش مكتوبه في البطاقة، و لو متخرج من أي جامعة يبقي شهادة تخرج بردك لو مش مكتوبه في البطاقة، و لأ مش هتحتاج شهادة إعفاء لو ١٩ سنة فما دون السن.

لو فوق ال١٩ يبقي هتحتاج تستخرج شهادة إعفاء من الجيش الأول.


الموقع بيقول ٣٣٥ جنيه للجواز بتاع الشفر و معاهم ٤٠٠ جنيه زيادة تأمين، ممكن يطلبوا زيادة أو أقل لأن الأسعار دي بتتغير، بس مش هيبقي تغيير كبير إن شاء الله.

خطوات الاستخراج:

التوجه لمصلحة الجوازات اللي حضرتك تتبع ليها، و بعد كده الشباك المخصص، و تسحب استمارة جواز السفر.

تملاها بالعربي و الانجليزي.

تروح للمكتب علشان تراجع الورق و البيانات و علشان يلزقوا الصورة بمعرفة الموظف.

بعدها تتوجه للخزينة لدفع الرسوم و لو محتاجه مستعجل يبقي فيه رسوم زيادة.

تسليم الورق بالكامل للموظف و استلام إيصال باسم المتقدم و متوعد استلام جواز السفر

مدة الانتظار بتكون في الغالب ٣ أيام، لو دفعت رسوم زيادة علشان تعمله مستعجل يبقي في خلال ٢٤ ساعه إن شاء الله و ممكن أقل كمان، لو بدل فاقد او تالف او تجديد جواز سفر قديم يبقي في خلال ٧٢ ساعه إن شاء الله.


الوطن (https://m.elwatannews.com/news/details/5919820)
خطوات استخراج جواز السفر المستعجل.. في أقل من 24 ساعةhttps://m.elwatannews.com/news/details/5919820
يستعرض موقع جريدة «الوطن» للقراء والمتابعين كل ما تريد معرفته عن استخراج جواز سفر 2022 وفق ما أعلنت عنه مصلحة الجوازات والهجرة والجنسية

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh,

Look, for you to make a passport, there are two cases you can be in, i will say the first one which is if you’re 19 years old, or less.

Needed documents:

First of them is a photocopy of a valid National ID if you’re over 16 and the original for inspection, 3 pictures 4×6 white background and no glasses, if you’re married then a paper that has your current marital status (if it isn’t specified in your National ID), and if you have graduated from any college then a certificate of graduation (again, if not specified in your National ID), and you won’t need a document on military status if you’re 19 or under it.

If you’re over 19 however, you will need to extract a paper saying your current military status.


The source says 335 EGP for the passport and 400 EGP for insurance, they might ask more or less since these prices change, but hopefully it will not be by much Insha Allah.

Steps to make a passport:

You go to the passports agency you are assigned to by the government, go to the place assigned for making passports and get the document you will need to fill for making a passport.

You fill it in both Arabic and English.

You go to an office for your paper to be reviewed and the information you put in to be confirmed and to have your photo stamped by the government worker.

Then head to the treasury to pay the fines, pay extra if you want the passport to be made quickly.

Hand over all the paperwork to the government worker and get a receipt that has your name and when to come to receive your passport.

The passport should take around 3 days, if you happened to pay the extra fines for it to be made quickly them Insha Allah it will be done within 24 hours, if you’re making a new passport in place of a lost one, a damaged one or renewing an expired passport, then it will take 72 hours Insha Allah.
