It’s fair to say that for British trans people, 2025 does not promise to be the best of years. The much-hated Conservative government may have gone, but the newly-elected Labour government of Keir Starmer has proven itself to be just as infiltrated by TERFs as its predecessor. As this is being written our community isContinue reading “Don’t Bet the Farm On It, But A UK-Europe Youth Mobility Scheme Might Help You”
Category Archives: Info
Closing Intake
We have ever more people seeking our help. When we don’t feel like we can help the ‘average’ passenger within about 90 days, we feel it’s unfair to the passenger to tell them we are going to get them out or assure them they are somewhere in a who-knows-how-long waiting list. We are now atContinue reading “Closing Intake”
Review Of the Year: 2023
It’s been a hectic but transformative year for Trans Rescue with a lot of stress and plenty of ups and downs, but we’ve come through it and we’re delighted to be able to say that with your help we’ve been able to help over 140 people to safety so far in 2023. In this reviewContinue reading “Review Of the Year: 2023”
Maeen al-Dahbali – Now It Can Be Told
Maeen is a Yemeni cis man who became an anti-child-soldier activist during the earlier years of the Yemeni civil war, subsequently becoming the civil servant with responsibility for child services in the city of Taiz. This made him the enemy of all the warring factions due to his opposition to child recruitment, and he wasContinue reading “Maeen al-Dahbali – Now It Can Be Told”
What They Don’t Want You To Know About How The Asylum System Works
There are some subjects that everyone knows a lot about, but the “knowledge” they have is instead received opinion which bears only a passing resemblance to the truth. As a non-profit which deals with refugees we’re right in the thick of just such a subject, because everybody has a lot of received opinions about asylumContinue reading “What They Don’t Want You To Know About How The Asylum System Works”
America’s Slide Towards Fascism: It’s Not To Late To Get Out… Yet.
Though our operations over the last year have had a focus in the developing world, the situation closer to home for us in countries such as the USA has been of significant concern. An inevitable descent into some form of fascism seems all-too-possible, and since we trans people are the scapegoat of the moment it’sContinue reading “America’s Slide Towards Fascism: It’s Not To Late To Get Out… Yet.”
Anatomy Of A Scam
It’s an unfortunate but inevitable side-effect of running a non-profit working in developing countries, that we find ourselves the target of scammers who impersonate desperate passengers in order to extract money from us. Some of their stories sound believable at first, others fall apart after asking simple questions, and the rest, well, let’s just sayContinue reading “Anatomy Of A Scam”
Information for Ugandans Fleeing Uganda
This is a frequently updated status page for those leaving Uganda. Current update 07:38 9 May, 2023 We currently have NO funds to assist in leaving Uganda. We CAN offer advice and assistance if you have funds. We CAN get help to you if you are jailed in Uganda. If you have medical training, areContinue reading “Information for Ugandans Fleeing Uganda”
Preparing for Civil Unrest
Many news organizations are reporting that Donald Trump will be arrested by the Manhattan District Attorney this coming Tuesday, March 21, 2023. Hospitals, fire stations, the US Military, and police are gearing up for unrest. This NBC News report says the cops are on high alert. Jon Cooper, Biden’s campaign manager, asked on Twitter ifContinue reading “Preparing for Civil Unrest”
How To Pack A Bug-Out Bag
When you’ve got to get out, and fast, you need a bug-out bag containing the essentials for your escape. What do you need to think about when packing yours? Everybody’s bug-out plan will be different to suit their needs, we’re here to set you thinking about what you’ll need to do. Here in 2023, transContinue reading “How To Pack A Bug-Out Bag”