We help trans people move from countries, regions, or situations where they’re in danger to those where they are safe. If you are trans and need help fleeing a dangerous place, you are in the right place.
The first step is to decide if you are ready to move. You can find out more about preparing to move at this page.
The Process
If you still want to do this, you’ll need to understand our process. This article can help.
If all this sounds like a journey you want to go on, drop us an email at annie+intake@transrescue.org
Countries Of New Concern
If you are in a country like the US, the UK, or Brazil, where things were once relatively good but are now sliding into fascism, we can help you plan your own migration with advice and resources. For a one hour consulation drop an email to annie+intake@transrescue.org to make an advice appointment.
Thank you for your trust. We wish you luck in your journey and a lovely life at the end of it.
Anne Ogborn
Voorzitter, Trans Rescue