This is a frequently updated status page for those leaving Uganda. Current update 07:38 9 May, 2023
We currently have NO funds to assist in leaving Uganda. We CAN offer advice and assistance if you have funds. We CAN get help to you if you are jailed in Uganda.
If you have medical training, are LGBT, and want to flee, talk to us.
If we are providing you services you should have direct contact with us. If someone is asking money of you or will not allow you to contact us they are a scammer. Our agents will always be introduced after you have contacted us.
We will never ask you for money. We might ask you to pay your own expenses if you can (for example, buying your own bus ticket).
We’re seeing some organizers offering shelters for LGBT folks (particularly trans women) on the run, then being controlling. Don’t end up tafficked, in a brothel, or controlled by someone. Do not give the organizer your passport or other document “to keep safe”
Caution to those leaving Uganda – we are seeing some evidence of people trafficking. If people want to put you in a situation where they control you, ask yourself if you’re safe and if you want to do that. Often portrayed as “for your safety”
Do not delay getting out because you don’t have a passport. National ID is OK . You need a covid certificate and a yellow fever vaccination.
The border is fairly open. You can physically get out if you need to.