Maeen is a Yemeni cis man who became an anti-child-soldier activist during the earlier years of the Yemeni civil war, subsequently becoming the civil servant with responsibility for child services in the city of Taiz. This made him the enemy of all the warring factions due to his opposition to child recruitment, and he wasContinue reading “Maeen al-Dahbali – Now It Can Be Told”
Category Archives: WeGotThemOut
Layla, From My Perspective
Jenny List Our passengers usually travel alone, faceless beings in the global air transit system. That anonymity is their shield, because they warrant only brief inspection among the crowds hurrying for their flights. As a blind passenger Layla wasn’t so lucky, as at each step her accessibility needs had to be met. Her itinerary touchedContinue reading “Layla, From My Perspective”
Blind Trans Woman Escapes Saudi Arabia
Today a young Saudi trans woman is safe in the asylum system of a European country. Layla Al Darwish was born with the misfortune not only of being trans in the most repressive country on Earth, but with retinitis pigmentosa, a condition that has made her functionally blind. After her parents discovered she’d contacted us,Continue reading “Blind Trans Woman Escapes Saudi Arabia”
Women Attacked in Bundibugyo, Uganda
Bundibugyo, Uganda In the early morning hours of Wednesday, Dec 14, 2022, the house where five trans women lived together in Bundibugyo Uganda was raided by police. Three of the women managed to flee, but two others were beaten by police and local people, screaming “Are you men or women?” The two women were arrestedContinue reading “Women Attacked in Bundibugyo, Uganda”
When Trans People Are Registered.
Passenger report of misuse of medical records
Rayan – Saudi Arabia
Last year Rayan’s situation seemed hopeless. As a ‘female’ in his home country of Saudi Arabia, he had little control over his life. His wealthy, powerful, and criminal father ruled the family with an iron fist. He’d been threatened with death both by his father and mother, been abused by family members, subjected to medicalContinue reading “Rayan – Saudi Arabia”